
Avangate Acquires 2Checkout to Expand Payment Flexibility and Broaden Market Reach


Combined company will bring a unique combination of eCommerce and subscription management solutions to market through various payment models across the globe.
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Avangate Acquires 2Checkout

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Here's how to start a digital goods affiliate business from scratch, optimize your website for better conversions, attract and retain clients and more.
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This whitepaper describes the benefits of establishing a bold new online self-service channel to grow revenue and improve operations.
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Whether it's business-to-consumer (B2C) or business-to-business (B2B), consumers today have more power in the buying process than ever - especially in the software and cloud ...
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This paper explores how this shift toward the individual is changing how software companies operate, and proposes a bold new customer centric commerce blueprint for ...
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This whitepaper aims to inform decision makers about the basic concepts, the trends to expect in 2013 and beyond and how to prepare for the ...
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The Forrester Technology Adoption Profile commissioned by Avangate provides practical insights and advice about the challenges software and cloud vendors face enabling channels to sell ...
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Are you part of a distribution chain? Do you want to keep your options open and build your partner relationships on a healthy infrastructure? Either ...


Ganz gleich, ob Sie nach Neuigkeiten suchen oder den Rat eines Experten zum Online-Verkauf von Software einholen möchten: Sie sind an der richtigen Stelle. Sie finden Anleitungen in unseren aktuellen Artikeln, Webinaren und Gesprächen mit Führungskräften aus der Softwarebranche. Sie können sich auch die aktuelle Ausgabe des Avangate Digest Newsletter durchlesen und nützliche Tipps zur Unterstützung Ihres Softwaregeschäfts erhalten.