Avangate Spring Release '15 | Optimize Conversions across the Digital Commerce Lifecycle
Avangate - Full Service eCommerce Provider
Spring Release '15
Optimize Conversions across the Digital Commerce Lifecycle
Avangate Release Newsletter

Dear Partners,

I'm incredibly excited to announce the Avangate Spring Release ‘15!

Avangate remains committed to providing you with industry-leading solutions to manage the digital commerce lifecycle. The latest features and capabilities in the Avangate platform provide you with even more control and flexibility over the key metric - conversion rate - across the entire commerce lifecycle.

The Spring Release ‘15 introduces major enhancements for optimizing conversion rates - fueling customer acquisition at the top, all the way to improving renewals, boosting key metrics such as authorization rate, renewal rate and ultimately, serving to maximize customer value.

Some highlights include:

Spring Release '15 Highlights:
Optimize Conversions
Join the Avangate Early Adopters Program
Register to the Spring Release '15 Webinars
Enjoy the Latest Avangate Resources

Michael Ni,

CMO/SVP, Marketing and Products


Mike Ni
  • Enhanced A/B Testing Tools
  • New CRO Services with additional partners
  • New global payment methods for selling into APAC and UK
  • Advanced Revenue Recovery Tools
  • New certifications - ISAE 3402, SSAE 16 and Safe Harbour
  • and many more!

One other major point – starting April, Enterprise Edition will now become "Enterprise Edition". This rebranding reflects the breath of our flagship to serve your needs better, and there is no impact or action needed on your end.

As always, we appreciate your business, share in your objectives of growth, and certainly welcome your comments, questions, or suggestions about any aspect of online commerce, or the Avangate platform itself.

Please share any feedback on the product, ideas on what things we can do to help you and your company be more successful, or just cool things we can share with the rest of the Avangate community. Contact us at product@avangate.com

Happy Selling,

Michael Ni,
CMO/SVP, Marketing and Products

1. Optimize Conversions
New Marketing Tools - A/B Testing
New Growth Services - CRO Services
Expanded Market Reach
Revenue Recovery Tools (RRT)
Purchase Order Optimizations
API Advancements
Fulfillment and Order Approval
New Marketing Tools - A/B Testing
A/B Testing

The Avangate Marketing Tools repertoire has been enhanced with a vastly superior A/B Testing module.

With extended capabilities at your disposal thanks to a comprehensive redesign, A/B testing tools now offer support for new experiments and new metrics to power optimizations with informed decisions.

Convert more customers by:

  • Optimizing the purchase funnel:
    1. Test how conversion is impacted with various customer buying flows
    2. Test PayPal Express checkout against other purchase flows
    3. Compare single page vs multi-page checkouts, or any other combination of elements; including different placements of add-ons specific to digital goods, cart layouts, design, or style – from widgets to new templates, call to action buttons, font, logos, copywriting, and more.
  • Optimizing promotional strategies: Test which campaign works best. Compare campaigns with discounts or without, and test percentage or fixed-rate discounts and coupons, to find the optimal discount.
  • Optimize up-selling campaigns: Test various display options and designs to up-sell products in the cart, including interstitial vs inline placement.

Availability: Standard and Enterprise Edition clients.
To learn more, please check out the documentation.

New Growth Services - CRO Services
CRO Tips

As part of the impetus to improve conversion rates, we are announcing an extended list of agency partners for CRO services. These agencies such as WiderFunnel and Conversion Sciences represent the best in the industry to boost conversion rates by up to 20% or more!

In addition, there are two new packages that we are launching to help our customers leave no money behind on the table. Contact your account manager or write us at info@avangate.com to learn more.

Expanded Market Reach
Expanded International Payments

At Avangate, we follow the mantra 'Think local, sell global'.

As of the start of 2015, we're introducing support for yet more additional localized payment methods, continuing out our investment into driving high conversion rates by letting customers in markets around the world pay the way they prefer.

  • UnionPay

    Especially popular in China, Hong Kong, Macau and Singapore, UnionPay enables you to reach even more customers across APAC. With UnionPay, customers have the option to pay using debit, credit, and prepaid cards, as well as e-bank solutions for a network of 12 major Chinese banks.

    Availability: All Avangate accounts.
    For more details please check out the documentation.
  • DirectDebit UK

    Direct Debit represents 10% of the UK alternative payments markets, with almost 70% of households across the United Kingdom using it.

    Availability: Coming soon to Avangate Enterprise Edition accounts.

Revenue Recovery Tools (RRT)
Revenue Recovery Tools

Increasing customer value over time and reducing churn are key priorities for all recurring revenue companies. With Avangate’s Revenue Recovery Tools (RRT), retention is no longer an uphill climb, because you’ll be getting the right help when it comes to securing recurring revenue and keeping your customers from churning out passively.

The tools provide access to Account Updater, Retry Logic and Dunning management solutions, as well as to powerful reporting, simplifying the process of optimizing your retention strategy.

  • Basic Revenue Recovery

    Available to all Avangate Enterprise Edition accounts on request, the Basic Revenue Recovery tools focus on:
    • Account Updater: Update cards on file pre-emptively to ensure they authorize successfully before a subscription run
    • Basic Retry Logic: Includes two retries after an initial authorization for a recurring charge fails
  • Advanced Revenue Recovery Tools

    Available to all Avangate Enterprise Edition accounts as an add-on, Advanced Revenue Recovery Tools focus on services, new functionalities and reports, including:
    • Access to the full Authorizations report centralizing data for Avangate’s automatic recurring backend operations.
    • Recovering more failed payments with Avangate Updater, using a proprietary expiration date algorithm.
    • A customizable Retry Logic service that applies a set of authorization retries to increase the collection of funds for recurring charges.
    • Hard declines recovery with Dunning management, leading to a 15% recovery rate.

To learn more, please check out the documentation.

Purchase Order Optimizations
Purchase Order Optimizations

Avangate continues the B2B optimizations we started last year by offering a new level of control and transparency over Purchase Orders. You can now use instant payment notifications to track the evolution of POs in real-time and synchronize your system with Avangate’s servers.

Availability: Enterprise Edition accounts.
To learn more, check out the documentation.

API Advancements
API Advancements

You can now programmatically create products and manage your product catalog using the API. Avangate supports JSON-RPC and SOAP, providing different avenues for you to create and update all aspects of products, including pricing configuration, recurring billing, subscription plans and fulfillment. You have more flexibility in managing your product catalog and synchronizing two master catalogs, and can benefit from simplified migration and synchronization of the master catalogs.

Availability: All Avangate clients.
To learn more, please check out the documentation.

Fulfillment and Order Approval
Fulfillment and Order Approval

With the new options available around fulfillment, you now have complete control over the delivery process, being able to evaluate orders and confirm the delivery process, in addition to the highly-secure anti-fraud mechanisms Avangate offers for your account.

Availability: All Avangate clients, on request.
To learn more, check out the documentation.

2. Join the Avangate Early Adopters Program

The program aims to introduce you to our newest/coolest features and make your voice heard by providing valuable feedback to influence future product development.

Here are the main benefits for you:

  • Get a look at our new product features before anyone else
  • Have the pleasure of finding bugs and providing feedback
  • Suggest new improvements
  • Get the opportunity to work together with the Avangate team

As a participant we ask that you share your feedback through occasional phone calls, surveys and/or screen shares. We respect your time and expertise - participation generally requires about one hour per project.

To join our Early Adopters Program, please complete this brief registration form. You will be contacted by our team and, depending on your current setup, be presented with specific features to try out and provide feedback upon.

We are looking forward to your active participation!

3. Register to the Spring Release '15 Webinars

Join our webinars to learn the benefits and how to's behind the Avangate Spring Release '15 and ask questions regarding future updates.

You will understand how you can get the most out of the newly introduced or enhanced features and how you can apply them to your business to improve the shopper experience.

If you would like to attend, please reserve your seat below:

4. Enjoy the Latest Avangate Resources

Telestream: 10-fold ROI through CRO Project
Telestream CRO Case Study

Considered a Conversion Rate Optimization Project and were wondering if it's worth the investment? Telestream got a ten-fold return on their investment and a 26% increase in conversion rate. For them, this translated into an additional $2M per year, forecasted revenue. Not bad, right?

Here's how they did this - more details within the case study of a 6-month optimization program carried out by Avangate and our partner WiderFunnel.

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