
Avangate Acquires 2Checkout to Expand Payment Flexibility and Broaden Market Reach


Combined company will bring a unique combination of eCommerce and subscription management solutions to market through various payment models across the globe.
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Avangate Coverage

Avangate Coverage

Read about Avangate in the Press, Blogs and Analyst Reports

July 30, 2013

As cloud services continue their inexorable creep across the enterprise, the ability to manage and process the financial transactions that pay for them becomes ever more vital; Avangate is well placed to take advantage [...].

July 31, 2013

Enterprises use e-commerce as a key way to drive revenue growth. This Hype Cycle helps enterprises evaluate the suitability of various e-commerce technology capabilities hyped in the market and understand their maturity and business value.

Avangate featured under Subscription Management for E-Commerce by Chris Fletcher.

April 3, 2013

Avangate yesterday announced the results and availability of a commissioned Technology Adoption Profile (TAP) conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Avangate. The research highlights the increasing role resellers will play, with 66% of surveyed companies indicating that channel partners are strategically important to growing revenues from their SaaS products.

The TAP study outlines the survey results and provides detailed analysis in key issues facing SaaS and Cloud Service providers:

April 3, 2013

A Technology Adoption Profile (TAP) conducted by Forrester Consulting and commissioned by agile commerce provider Avangate highlights the increasing role resellers play in helping independent software vendors (ISVs) acquire and retain customers.

Two-thirds (66 percent) of the companies surveyed for the profile indicated that they considered channel partners strategically important to growing revenues from their SaaS products.

April 3, 2013

A new study by Forrester (News - Alert) Research shows that partners are critical to the successful sales and deployment of cloud and software as a service (SaaS) products.

The study was commissioned by Avangate, a seven-year-old Amsterdam-based provider of agile commerce solutions to support services companies.

April 4, 2013

About 66% of firms believe that reseller channels play a strategic role in growing revenues for their SaaS products, according to a new survey.

Forrester Consulting's Technology Adoption Profile (TAP) survey, conducted on behalf of Avangate, revealed that independent software vendors (ISV) plan to invest in technology to support the channel to obtain and maintain customers.

April 5, 2013

A study of technology adoption has encouraging news for Britain's VARs - it indicates that vendors of cloud computing services desperately need them as their channel to market.

The Technology Adoption Profile (TAP) conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Avangate, will be a real kick in the teeth to many channel critics who have longed for the day when resellers are cut out of the equation. Reports of the death of the reseller have proved not just inaccurate - they are a complete fantasy, according to the study.

April 5, 2013

Avangate has released results of a Forrester Consulting commissioned study, the Technology Adoption Profile (TAP), which confirms the increasing role of the channel, especially in the emerging Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) space.

The majority (79%) of ISVs surveyed reported that their channel partner program will play a strategic role in growing SaaS revenues. In addition, 66% of respondents said that channel partners are vital to growing revenues from their SaaS products.

April 5, 2013

According to Paolo Malinverno, Research VP at Gartner, businesses can recoup any spend on setting up e-invoicing in a year. Yet only a very small percentage of UK SMBs are using the technology.

The simplest system involves emailing a PDF to a supplier. But the real benefits of e-invoicing come when it transforms the entire payment process as the invoice becomes a request for payment, integrated with the accounts system and the supplier payment system.

April 12, 2013

Affiliate marketing is continuing to grow, with Forrester finding affiliate programs to be the third largest marketing budget behind PPC and email in the U.S. The analyst firm predicted that the affiliate channel will reach approximately £3 billion by 2016 and increase at a compound yearly growth rate of 17% from 2011 through 2016.

April 15, 2013

It's been 1.5 years since Avangate added a channel focus to its Enterprise Edition Platform, and the company is now rolling out the next release of the platform to help partners grow their Avangate software and cloud services businesses -- now even across the mobile market place.

April 30, 2013

Deciding when to go global is a tough call for entrepreneurs. They may be tempted by opportunities in hot markets like China, India or Brazil, but could risk venturing abroad before they're fully prepared.

Here are 10 key questions to ask before going international: