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Tabbles Student

Tabbles Student

Merchant: Yellow Blue Soft


The tabbles are special containers that go beyond folders: they can be used to categorize and find your files, folders and bookmarks. It works with any kind of file and will be the perfect tool to organize your docs, pdf, projects, assignements and find them easily when you need them.

  • Dynamical and incremental cross-linking of files: don’t worry anymore about the structure of your folders – add your files to as many tabbles as you want and use the Combine function find the files you need.
  • Horizontal browsing: navigate freely between files and tabbles based on the connection among them, as in a web of files and the concept the connect to.
  • Copy / paste, drag & drop and more: Tabbles is well integrated with your desktop, allowing you to use keyboard shortcuts, copy / paste, drag & drop and the Explorer extension for your installed applications.
30 %

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The visitors that come to us from your site are traced for at least 30 days, so if they buy even in a month or two, you will still get your money from the sale.

We will provide you with banners and links to use on your site. All you have to do is place them so that they are easily noticed by your visitors, then start counting monthly revenues.