
Avangate Acquires 2Checkout to Expand Payment Flexibility and Broaden Market Reach


Combined company will bring a unique combination of eCommerce and subscription management solutions to market through various payment models across the globe.
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Avangate Acquires 2Checkout

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Find out the key things you need to know when planning to expand into new local markets.
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Download this whitepaper for more stats regarding the turkish eCommerce market, key payment methods and how Avangate enables local payment processing, covering also support and ...
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Watch this exclusive webinar with our partner VeInteractive for onsite optimization examples and tips on using analytics data to improve conversions.
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Watch this webinar and see the tests you can run on your checkout page to optimize cart conversion rates and get a 15x ROI.
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Case Study
Learn how Kaspersky Lab improved retention significantly with the introduction of in-app purchasing.
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Case Study
Find out how PowerFolder achieved a seamless online selling experience from the first acquisition to renewals.
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See real-world case studies with surprising results, showing that even proven best practices need to be validated through testing.
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Get a clear understanding of the different types of affiliates in the marketplace, their key motivations and drivers, and how best to work with them.
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Whether you already use Avangate's Affiliate Network and want to optimize it and increase the revenue, or if you are a vendor that is just ...
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Discover what successful digital leaders do well, acquisition strategies and some first-hand examples of their real-world deployment.
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Case Study
With Avangate’s commerce platform and services, ONLYOFFICE was able expand internationally and get an additional boost in sales.
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Learn how to get the best CRO results with a proven process for optimizing any marketing touchpoint, and discover what motivates your customer to buy ...


Ganz gleich, ob Sie nach Neuigkeiten suchen oder den Rat eines Experten zum Online-Verkauf von Software einholen möchten: Sie sind an der richtigen Stelle. Sie finden Anleitungen in unseren aktuellen Artikeln, Webinaren und Gesprächen mit Führungskräften aus der Softwarebranche. Sie können sich auch die aktuelle Ausgabe des Avangate Digest Newsletter durchlesen und nützliche Tipps zur Unterstützung Ihres Softwaregeschäfts erhalten.