
Avangate Acquires 2Checkout to Expand Payment Flexibility and Broaden Market Reach


Combined company will bring a unique combination of eCommerce and subscription management solutions to market through various payment models across the globe.
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Avangate Acquires 2Checkout

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Ganz gleich, ob Sie nach Neuigkeiten suchen oder den Rat eines Experten zum Online-Verkauf von Software einholen möchten: Sie sind an der richtigen Stelle. Sie erhalten Informationen in unseren aktuellen Artikeln, Webinaren und Gesprächen mit Führungskräften aus der Softwarebranche. Sie können sich auch die aktuelle Ausgabe des Avangate Digest Newsletter durchlesen und nützliche Tipps zur Unterstützung Ihres Softwaregeschäfts erhalten.

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Here's how to start a digital goods affiliate business from scratch, optimize your website for better conversions, attract and retain clients and more.
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Register for this Avangate webinar with special guest speaker Henry Huang, TEI Project Director, and get insights into the detailed findings of the report ...
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Avangate commissioned Forrester Consulting to conduct a Total Economic ImpactTM (TEI) study and examine the potential return on investment (ROI) enterprises may realize by deploying ...
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Convert revenue leakage to revenue uplift across the entire digital commerce lifecycle.
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Learn how to recapture customers as they're about to leave your site or cart, and best practices for increasing conversion rates by 10-20% without any ...
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Tune into this 27 minute webinar to learn how Absolute realized a 5x increase in their trial conversion rate.
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Join us for an interactive session that combines an analyst perspective with the real world stories and walk away with insights that you can apply ...
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Learn how to go beyond translation and localize for unique countries and cultures.
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Case Study
By using Avangate's solutions, HideMyAss was able to conduct commerce in 120+ countries and recover almost 20% of recurring revenues.
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Enterprise Edition Suite is an integrated set of eCommerce services and products that have been exclusively designed for software, cloud services and SaaS firms. Comprised ...
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Case Study
By employing Avangate’s solution, Movavi was able to boost conversion rates and recover a significant portion of revenue.
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Case Study
Did you know that Absolute's affiliate-generated revenue increased tremendously by improving acquisition with Avangate? Here's how.


Ganz gleich, ob Sie nach Neuigkeiten suchen oder den Rat eines Experten zum Online-Verkauf von Software einholen möchten: Sie sind an der richtigen Stelle. Sie finden Anleitungen in unseren aktuellen Artikeln, Webinaren und Gesprächen mit Führungskräften aus der Softwarebranche. Sie können sich auch die aktuelle Ausgabe des Avangate Digest Newsletter durchlesen und nützliche Tipps zur Unterstützung Ihres Softwaregeschäfts erhalten.