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Avangate is rapidly evolving and here you can read all about the efforts we're making to simplify eCommerce for our clients and help them increase their Software, SaaS and Digital Goods sales.

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Avangate intra in Cadranul Magic Gartner pentru Comert Digital 2016
Avangate a fost recunoscut de Gartner in Cadranul Magic pentru Comert Digital (Gartner Magic Quadrant for Digital Commerce) 2016, la categoria jucator de nisa.
April 06, 2016

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Avangate News

Software Press & eCommerce News

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April 06, 2016
Avangate a fost recunoscut de Gartner in Cadranul Magic pentru Comert Digital (Gartner Magic Quadrant for Digital Commerce) 2016, la categoria jucator de nisa.
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December 16, 2015
Avangate anunta astazi numirea lui Alex Hart in functia de Chief Executive Officer (CEO).
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December 10, 2015
Incepand din aceasta toamna, echipa Avangate din Bucuresti si-a marit spatiul de birouri cu inca 1.000 mp, pe langa cei 2.000 mp deja existenti, in zona Pipera, cladirile Conect C1 si C3.
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November 26, 2015
Avangate participa la TechHub Open Hours, in data de 4 Decembrie 2015, in cadrul TechHub Bucuresti.
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November 23, 2015
Lansare de toamna Avangate: 150 de noi functionalitati pentru cresterea vanzarilor de software, SaaS si servicii online
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June 24, 2015
Avangate anunta astazi Lansarea de Vara 2015, ce aduce peste 200 de noi functionalitati in platforma. Imbunatatirile vor permite furnizorilor de software si servicii online sa elimine pierderile de venituri si sa valorifice oportunitatile de crestere a acestora in orice moment al ciclului de viata al clientilor in contextul comertului electronic cu produse digitale sau servicii online.

Avangate Coverage

Read about Avangate in the Press, Blogs and Analyst Reports

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September 17, 2018

Vendor reputation is the 'most important factor' when buying online, according to 86 per cent of shoppers surveyed globally by 2Checkout (formerly Avangate). The study of almost 1,000 global consumers found that product reviews are the next most influential factor in buying decisions - more so than discounts and free trials - as recognised by 74 per cent. Product reviews which lack credibility were a blocker for 49 per cent of respondents.

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June 21, 2018

2Checkout released its Q1 2018 benchmark report on Digital Commerce Trends in Software & Online Services Sales, and it is good news for the subscription-based model.

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September 17, 2018

The payment industry is going aggressively digital. This discussion takes stock of the ecosystem and its trends.

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September 7, 2018

International e-commerce is booming these days and so too are the opportunities-and challenges-for payments players.

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June 26, 2018

According to the Q1 2018 benchmarking report on Digital Commerce Trends in Software & Online Services Sales by 2Checkout, the digital commerce and payments provider, 76% of sales in Q1 2018 have been for recurring-based purchases.

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June 20, 2018

2Checkout released its Q1 2018 benchmark report on Digital Commerce Trends in Software & Online Services Sales. The report shows that subscription-based purchases maintain a strong upward trend. Similar to previous years, consumers and businesses continue to prioritize security product purchases.

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