Avangate Acquires 2Checkout to Expand Payment Flexibility and Broaden Market Reach
Combined company will bring a unique combination of eCommerce and subscription management solutions to market through various payment models across the globe.
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Avangate Coverage
Avangate Coverage
Read about Avangate in the Press, Blogs and Analyst Reports
Article discusses software distribution models and growth in the context of cloud computing technology.
"Der Shop läuft auf einer Plattform des niederländischen E-Commerce-Anbieters Avangate. Er ist auch für Hosting, Billing und die Prozessabwicklung des Shops verantwortlich."
"Das Shop-Hosting und Billing überlässt Intel dem rumänischen Dienstleister Avangate."
"Intel's software store is run by a Dutch company called Avangate, which is responsible for Intel BX\'s hosting, billing and processes."
Article contains tips and resources on marketing for the software industry.
Copyright (c) 2009, Computing Technology Industry Association, Inc.
Article covers the introduction of new payment methods for European customers by Avangate, with additional explanations about the benefits of DIRECTebanking and Carte Bleue.